♥ a time to rejuvenate
it's been soo yesterday since i last posted.
I was just a bit busy with complying requirements for the end of the 1st semester. And the best part was after that. We had a 2-week vacation in Davao courtesy of my aunt and her husband who just arrived from australia to have their vacation as well.
We departed from MCIA October 27 @ 0745. 'Twas just a 45-
minute fly from Cebu to Davao and it feels so nice to be on the plane again. I was 7 y.o. when i last rode a plane going to Manila. And the feeling was still
the same. W-O-W!
my plane ticket
When i stepped out of the plane, the first thing that i did say to myself is, "Ka-init pud diri uy!" Translation: It's so hot in here! Yah it was so hot in Davao compared to Cebu. But the place is so fantastic! Their city is so wide and everywhere you can find and smell their national fruit, Durian.
It was my first time to set foot in Davao and my first time to mee
t my relatives. And it seems like we knew each other for a long time already. They're so nice and hospitable. And Bob, my aunt's Aussie husband, is also kind and thoughtful.
I'll be posting the interesting moments of us for you to see.

Bob while waiting for us in the airport. They woke up @ 6am because their place is 1 hr and half drive away from the city. They don't want us to wait. So punctual =)

Davao here we are!

it's Junjun and Jesm with us. Our buddies!

Day 3: Samal Island! the deep blue sea is soo inviing! I miss swimming! with aunt Marlyn.

Blue Jazz. What a nice and relaxing place!

clear blue skies + deep blue sea = PERFECT!

mushrom-like cottages :)

aerial view. haha :D

Lansones form their farm ♥♥♥

us with us our official service, BOYOG! :D

with Kimsoy, i'll wait for him to grow up! hahaha. He's soo cutie! ♥
I think that would be all for my blog. If you want to see the whole adventure, go to my facebook site and add me up! hahaha.
To sum this up, the vacation we had was soo memorable and all worthwhile. I missed and thanked those people who made this happen. You guys are so great! I will be living in Davao so sooon! Davao, i shall return! ♥
Labels: ♥ some blogging
thanks a lot rachel. Yah we Filipinos can speak english well because we have been taught to speak english since Kindergarten. I think you also do speak english fluently :)
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