♥ my happiness
i made myself happy today!
Wanna know why?
Because i have found my high school happiness *crush* in facebook!
He was a senior student then, and i'm a junior. I can still remember the first time i laid my eyes on him. It was during a campaign for our school's Student Body Organization and there were bands playing for every party. And so i saw him playing the drums. I get easily attracted to those guys who play musical instruments.

just his back so you would be excited to see his face on my future posts
Not to mention that i play musical instruments too. Hehe. And so,since that day i got a crush on him, ♥ KZD ♥ *just his initials. I would be very embarrassed if he would click the link of my blog in my fb account. Whoah!*
I even added her sister in friendster that time and befriended her.
I admit i go crazy and there were butterflies in my stomach whenever i see him in the school. I even wished to be his partner in JS Prom but unfortunately it isn't the year for us to have the Prom *since our school did it every once a year only* Poor me.
And until the school year ends,he's still my crushie and now that i found him, he would be my crush again for now.
I go crazy over him again.
As i was browsing his profile I could say that he's changed much; gained weight, got taller and fairer skin.
I can't believe he pursued his PILOT career. I saw his pictures flying a plane and I believe that he would be the most handsome Pilot for me. Hahaha!
And now, I can't help myself visiting his page everyday and see some updates about him.
And the one that made me happy the most is when he greeted me back a Merry Christmas! I felt palpitations in my heartbeat while reading his post. Haha.
Ooops! before i forgot that he is SINGLE!
oooh-weee! *but sad to say i'm not. Uh-oh!*
But i believe in the saying that says,
If there's a will, there's a way!
And if he's not meant for me, we don't know maybe i'm meant for him!
hahaha! Can i dream about him for once? Ohh i'm so inspired to write this post of mine today.
*Love, love has come my way*
How bout you? Already found your HAPPINESS?
-from J♥yh with l♥ve
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